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Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2022

Pearl Harbor : The Verdict of History (9781531815998)

Examines the underlying causes of Pearl Harbor and the revisionist theories that high officials knew of the attack. Gordon W. Prange is the author of Miracle at Midway and At Dawn We Slept. This title is the sequel to At Dawn We Slept. Product details Format CD-Audio Dimensions 133 x 171 x 6mm | 95g Publication date ...

Shrines of British Saints (9781169903050)

This book is a facsimile reprint and may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. (LARGE PRINT EDITION) This book is a facsimile reprint and may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Product details Format Hardback | 380 pages Dimensions 216 x 280 x 22mm | 1,161g ...

Fußball, Gott und echte Freunde (340151119X)

Die 3 Freunde Christopher, David und Kerim finden die Idee total doof: Auf einem Fußballturnier sollen sie gegeneinander antreten! Die St. Josefs-Kicker gegen den FC Shalom und gegen die Yunus-Kicker. Das geht doch nicht, sie sind doch Freunde! Aber die Erwachsenen sehen das ganz anders und entwickeln einen fanatischen Ehrgeiz, um "ihre" Mannschaft nach vorne zu bringen. Was Gott wohl dazu sagt? Product details Format Paperback | 120 pages Dimensions 121 x 188 ...

Orient Express : (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) (9780142437919)

"The purser took the last landing-card in his hand and watched the passengers cross the wet quay, over a wilderness of rails and points, round the corners of abandoned trucks." As the Orient Express hurtles across Europe on its three-day journey from Ostend to Constantinople, its voyage binds together the lives of several of its passengers in a fateful interlock. The menagerie of characters includes Coral Musker, a beautiful chorus girl; Carleton Myatt, a rich Jewish businessman; Richard John, a mysterious and kind doctor returning to his native Belgrade; the spiteful journalist Mabel Warren; and Josef Grunlich, a cunning, murderous burglar. What happens to these strangers as they put on and take off their masks of identity and passion, all the while confessing, prevaricating, and reaching out to one another in the "veracious air" of the onrushing train, makes for one of Graham Greene's most exciting and suspenseful stories. Originally published in 1933, Orient ...

Verses from a Garden, and Other Nature Things (9781425720049)

Our garden is a picture book, all filled with colors bright. I think Mother Nature Spreads new colors every night. Product details Format Paperback | 44 pages Dimensions 216 x 216 x 3mm | 127g Publication date 1...

Life And Reminiscences Of Jefferson Davis (1890) (9781167141973)

This book is a facsimile reprint and may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work. Product details Format Hardback | 546 pages Dimensions ...

Last Dance : Behind the Scenes at the Final Four (0316014257)

There is no event in sports quite like the Final Four. John Feinstein will explore what it means to a school, a coach and a player to be in the Final Four or even at The Final. There are moving stories of players and coaches who thought they'd never make it to college basketball's final weekend, spectacular triumphs of the winning teams and heartbreaking defeat of those who missed the cut. He also brings us inspiring and dramatic stories from people behind the scenes: from officials and referees to scouts and ticket-scalpers. With the unflinching eye of a seasoned reporter and the remarkable skill of a true storyteller, Feinstein exposes the driving force behind one of the most revered events in American sports. Product details Format Paperback ...

Action As An Organizer of Learning and Development : Volume 33 in the Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology Series (9780805850307)

This is the 33rd volume in the Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology held in October 2002. The symposium was held to honor the scientific and mentoring contributions of Anne Danielson Pick and Herbert L. Pick, Jr.--two longtime and beloved professors of the Institute of Child Development. It focused on "Action as an Organizer of Learning and Development" and integrated the best and most innovative research on the role of action in perceiving and understanding. Taken together, the book captures the intellectual excitement that characterized the 33rd symposium and appeals to developmental psychologists, particularly those interested in perceptual development. Product details Format Hardback | 388 pages ...

66. Jahres-Bericht Des Museum Francisco-Carolinum Nebst Der 60. Lieferung Der Beitrage Zur Landeskunde Von OEsterreich OB Der Enns, 1908 (Classic Reprint) (9780366968251)

Excerpt from 66. Jahres-Bericht des Museum Francisco-Carolinum Nebst der 60. Lieferung der Beiträge zur Landeskunde von Österreich Ob der Enns, 1908 In der Sitzung des Verwaltungsrates vom 9. Februar 1907 machte der Vorsitzende Se. Exzellenz Präsident Graf Kuenburg die Mitteilung, daß er, in Ausführung eines schon lange gehegten Ent schlusses, gewillt sei, von der Stelle des Präsidenten zurückzutreten, und sich bemüht habe, den derzeitigen Präsidenten der Allgemeinen Sparkasse und Leihanstalt, Herrn Buchdruckereibesitzer Juliu's Wimmer, zu veranlassen, das Präsidium zu übernehmen. Der Ver waltungsrat beschloß hierauf, die Erklärung des Herrn Präsidenten mit tiefstem Bedauern und mit dem herzlichsten Dank für sein langes segensreiches Wirken andieser Stelle zur Kenntnis zu nehmen und den Herrn sparkasse-präsidenten Wimmer zu ersuchen, eine Erklärung darüber abzugeben, ob er geneigtsei, eine eventuell auf ihn fallende Wahl der Generalversammlung anzunehmen. Nachdem dies von Herrn W...

Riding Shotgun : The Role of the COO, Updated Edition (1503600386)

The role of Chief Operating Officer is clearly important. In fact, it's arguable that the number two position is the toughest job in a company. COOs play a critical part in executing the strategies developed by top management. And, in many cases, they are being groomed-or test-driven-as the firm's CEO-elect. Riding Shotgun provides unique insight into this little-understood role. The authors develop a framework that illustrates who the COO is, why a company should create this position, and what the challenges associated with this job entail. Drawing heavily on first-person accounts from top executives, the authors offer a set of strategies to inform individuals who aspire to serve as COO. With a new preface and conclusion, and even more interviews from some of the most established and important companies in today's economy, this book is a one-of-a-kind resource for the C-suite and the boardroom. Product details ...

Tenjo Tenge (Full Contact Edition 2-in-1), Vol. 3 (9781421540108)

Knuckle-busting brawls, badass babes, and the toughest student body ever to mix it up under one roof. Welcome to Todo High, where the only rule is: get strong or get schooled. Mitsuomi and Maya are now rivals, but once they were close friends. Their lives were changed forever because of one person: Shin Natsume, Maya's older brother and Mitsuomi's mentor. Inheritor of the Dragon Eyes and leader of the Supreme Warrior Faction, the charismatic Shin also bears dark and terrible secrets. Struggling under the burden of the immense power he possesses, and manipulated by those who seek to use that power, Shin begins to lose control. Maya and Mitsuomi each have their own ideas for how to deal with his increasingly erratic behavior, but it's up to Bunshichi to really beat some sense into him! Product details Format ...